What is The Work which Spirit is personally and collectively calling us to do?
All of us are born with the knowledge of generations past encoded within us. The myriad ways the ancient ones practiced, to honor and sustain ourselves and life on this planet, are alive and blossoming and continue to be practiced by the living descendants. For generations shamans and curanderos have kept alive wisdom we in the west have long lost and are finally beginning to remember. We are finally becoming conscious enough to honor and respect these vital traditions. The essence of the medicine I practice is a gift passed down from the elders and my ancestors who guide me to utilize these tools and resources to enable life to thrive.
I honor and pay respect to these traditions that have been taught to me by continually learning how to fully embody my soul in this incarnation, continually learning how to pray and honor life and the temple of my body and by sharing the essence of nature's sacred medicine and the teachings that are wanting to be shared with the world and offering the practical tools for others to connect to the medicine all around and within us. I do not practice the same sacred rituals which the traditional elders have nurtured in their cultures. I do not identify as a traditional indigenous shaman or curandera. I listen, learn, listen, practice and stumble and find my way. I encourage others to listen within, to spirit and the ancestors, to our nature, to find the right road that is uniquely yours so you are able to share your soul's gifts, the work you came here to do. I also do identify as a traditional pagan witch. I am a Priestess - I follow my heart-womb, as I always have, to do right for the good of all, to be of service to my family, my community and Pachamama and connect with the essence of these teachings that speak directly to me and that I resonate with, medicine for my particular path and the medicine I am being guided to share.
What I have to offer is for the particular path of others who are guided to seek my service and no one else. If you are here, it is because spirit has brought us together for a reason. Even if it is just to read these words and feel an affirmation within that allows some blockage to be dislodged so you can move forward on your evolutionary path. I give thanks to the Great Spirit and our Divine Mother-Father-Birther and the powerful lineages of women and men who have kept reaching out to humanity with an infusion of the Divine Feminine, incarnating as prophets, mathematicians, scientists, healers and artists who have broken through the matrix of illusions we have been contained by. We all are spiritual beings able to connect directly to source without a translator. The new paradigm is shifting us to be collective community leaders and caregivers of our selves, our families and our grandmother planet.
I continue to practice re-membering the wisdom of life within me, following the messages where they lead me. I cannot seek to learn everything I want to understand all at once so I take note of what Spirit is communicating and I keep opening to receive. In this way, step by step, I am able to discern the path I must take each time I find myself standing in the center of another crossroads. Which door is opening? Which door is closing? I go with the feminine flow.
A significant and necessary reawakening of feminine consciousness has been percolating for decades to restore balance and harmony between the masculine and feminine energies which as one create and give birth to the world. I give thanks to all those who came before from near and far, throughout time and space, with their gentle feminine ways, like water carving beauty into rock, illuminating what has been hidden from the collective awareness for thousands of years. I humbly bow before them and offer my services to all now in munay, as a minister of love, with a focus on healing our collective trauma, to clear the way for joy to inhabit our being.
Life as catalyst brought me in contact with Dr. Alberto Villodo who became the spiritual healer I first worked with to heal from the accumulation of trauma. At the height of my struggled to belong in an unnatural world which as I had been knocked out of synch with, he clarified that I had no choice but to embrace my spiritual path. With thanks to the ancestors who brought us together, Villoldo guided me to enroll in the local 4-year Helix Training Program where my husband and I both studied a variety of healing modalities including Somatic psychotherapy, Gestalt Therapy, Jungian and Buddhist Psychology, Mindfulness meditation practice, Hawaiian Huna healing and other hands-on energy work, as well as a deep introduction to indigenous Shamanic healing practices of the Americas. After becoming a minister of The Helix Healing Ministry, I continued studying South American indigenous healing practices with Joan Poelvorde and Maria Cipriani (former students of Villoldo), and was initiated into lineages of shamanic medicine from the Andes and Amazon. Since then I have apprenticed with others: Susana Tapia Leon, an awakened feminine midwife healer from Ecuador who taught me earth-womb toning, sound healing and medicine songs; Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman, a MedicineWay woman in New York City who initiated me into her ancestral lineage of Mayan and Toltec traditions from Mexico and MesoAmerica; and Dr. Azra Bertrand and Seren Bertrand, Womb Awakening teachers in Sacred Union who have midwifed a massive wave of global feminine consciousness. Continually, I am drawn to attend classes and offerings shared by varied evolutionary herbalists and healing practitioners as I travel along the healing path of this incarnation.
I am grateful for this journey, for this life and all the experiences and lessons and medicine that have come to guide and initiate me through some very difficult transitions, that hold me accountable and continually bring me back to this path of honoring and serving life, family and community with impeccable intention and activism in a prayerful way for the good of all.
I honor and pay respect to these traditions that have been taught to me by continually learning how to fully embody my soul in this incarnation, continually learning how to pray and honor life and the temple of my body and by sharing the essence of nature's sacred medicine and the teachings that are wanting to be shared with the world and offering the practical tools for others to connect to the medicine all around and within us. I do not practice the same sacred rituals which the traditional elders have nurtured in their cultures. I do not identify as a traditional indigenous shaman or curandera. I listen, learn, listen, practice and stumble and find my way. I encourage others to listen within, to spirit and the ancestors, to our nature, to find the right road that is uniquely yours so you are able to share your soul's gifts, the work you came here to do. I also do identify as a traditional pagan witch. I am a Priestess - I follow my heart-womb, as I always have, to do right for the good of all, to be of service to my family, my community and Pachamama and connect with the essence of these teachings that speak directly to me and that I resonate with, medicine for my particular path and the medicine I am being guided to share.
What I have to offer is for the particular path of others who are guided to seek my service and no one else. If you are here, it is because spirit has brought us together for a reason. Even if it is just to read these words and feel an affirmation within that allows some blockage to be dislodged so you can move forward on your evolutionary path. I give thanks to the Great Spirit and our Divine Mother-Father-Birther and the powerful lineages of women and men who have kept reaching out to humanity with an infusion of the Divine Feminine, incarnating as prophets, mathematicians, scientists, healers and artists who have broken through the matrix of illusions we have been contained by. We all are spiritual beings able to connect directly to source without a translator. The new paradigm is shifting us to be collective community leaders and caregivers of our selves, our families and our grandmother planet.
I continue to practice re-membering the wisdom of life within me, following the messages where they lead me. I cannot seek to learn everything I want to understand all at once so I take note of what Spirit is communicating and I keep opening to receive. In this way, step by step, I am able to discern the path I must take each time I find myself standing in the center of another crossroads. Which door is opening? Which door is closing? I go with the feminine flow.
A significant and necessary reawakening of feminine consciousness has been percolating for decades to restore balance and harmony between the masculine and feminine energies which as one create and give birth to the world. I give thanks to all those who came before from near and far, throughout time and space, with their gentle feminine ways, like water carving beauty into rock, illuminating what has been hidden from the collective awareness for thousands of years. I humbly bow before them and offer my services to all now in munay, as a minister of love, with a focus on healing our collective trauma, to clear the way for joy to inhabit our being.
Life as catalyst brought me in contact with Dr. Alberto Villodo who became the spiritual healer I first worked with to heal from the accumulation of trauma. At the height of my struggled to belong in an unnatural world which as I had been knocked out of synch with, he clarified that I had no choice but to embrace my spiritual path. With thanks to the ancestors who brought us together, Villoldo guided me to enroll in the local 4-year Helix Training Program where my husband and I both studied a variety of healing modalities including Somatic psychotherapy, Gestalt Therapy, Jungian and Buddhist Psychology, Mindfulness meditation practice, Hawaiian Huna healing and other hands-on energy work, as well as a deep introduction to indigenous Shamanic healing practices of the Americas. After becoming a minister of The Helix Healing Ministry, I continued studying South American indigenous healing practices with Joan Poelvorde and Maria Cipriani (former students of Villoldo), and was initiated into lineages of shamanic medicine from the Andes and Amazon. Since then I have apprenticed with others: Susana Tapia Leon, an awakened feminine midwife healer from Ecuador who taught me earth-womb toning, sound healing and medicine songs; Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman, a MedicineWay woman in New York City who initiated me into her ancestral lineage of Mayan and Toltec traditions from Mexico and MesoAmerica; and Dr. Azra Bertrand and Seren Bertrand, Womb Awakening teachers in Sacred Union who have midwifed a massive wave of global feminine consciousness. Continually, I am drawn to attend classes and offerings shared by varied evolutionary herbalists and healing practitioners as I travel along the healing path of this incarnation.
I am grateful for this journey, for this life and all the experiences and lessons and medicine that have come to guide and initiate me through some very difficult transitions, that hold me accountable and continually bring me back to this path of honoring and serving life, family and community with impeccable intention and activism in a prayerful way for the good of all.
JoySpring Online Family Festival
Pathways to Sustain Joyful Liberation
For parents and families on the path of radical liberation, I am hosting a retreat to support our parental struggle of decolonizing our minds, listen to our nature, uplift our communities in joy, and celebrate childrens' freedom. Gather in community (online due to quarantine restrictions) June 2-4, 2020.
JoySpring Embodied Movement (JEM) Liberation
Dislodge and clear stagnant energy and emotion, center in and awaken soul expression, re-discover passion and embrace your unique purpose. These classes are suspended until further notice. Reach out for one-on-one online guidance.
Dhyāna Kluth is a Psychospiritual Trauma Therapist, Intuitive Medium, Energy Worker, Herbalist, Spiritual Guide and Mentor. A four-time international bestselling author, her expertise spans guiding clients through profound soul healing self-love alchemy for deep psyche rebirth, bridging worlds to decolonize the mind-body-spirit. Committed to personal and collective liberation, Dhyāna's skills amplify the sovereign light within, offering a holistic approach to healing that brings a unique depth to her work of facilitating energy restoration and soul illumination.
Ask about other healing offerings and transmissions with Womb Consciousness Vision Keeper Rev. Dhyāna Kluth such as a healing transmission first remembered and received by Marcela Lobos to share with the world, to heal and free all from suffering:
The Rite of the Womb, the 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki “The womb is not a place to store fear and pain. The womb is to create and give birth to life.” |
Re-align with life. It is time to thrive in joyful relationship, to care for each other and the planet.
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